Plant maintenance

Safety and reliability, functionality and efficiency are the cornerstones of our work. A system that operates to the highest standards in force is the goal that moves our maintenance interventions, and guarantees a safe system for a very long time to those who use our services.

Escalators and elevators

Repair and modernization are carried out using quality spare parts, and entrusted to technicians of long experience and in continuous updating.

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Air conditioned

Air quality and optimal temperature are fundamental factors for well-being in the workplace, and have a significant impact on productivity.

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An electrical system made to perfection is a good starting point, but it is not enough to ensure its operation and safety for a long time

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Fire fighting systems

The accurate checks and in-depth tests carried out aim to keep the plants fully functional within your facilities

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Cleaning of smoking rods

Carbon monoxide spills with serious consequences for people’s health, and tar residues responsible for inadequate efficiency

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Air and water treatment in air conditioning

Poor and/or inadequate maintenance of air conditioning systems can lead to the spread of potentially pathogenic mygrorganisms

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Escalators and elevators

Repair and modernization are carried out using quality spare parts, and entrusted to technicians of long experience and in continuous updating.
The assistance service offered is accurate and punctual, according to a calendar of periodic interventions that is studied and customized according to your needs and requests.

Our maintenance services are not only concerned with escalators and elevators, but also with hoists and solutions designed for the disabled, such as servo ladders and armchair platforms.

In addition to the interventions planned to ensure the correct and lasting operation of the systems, we also offer emergency intervention services in case of failure, malfunction or blockage.


Air conditioned

Air quality and optimal temperature are fundamental factors for well-being in the workplace, and have a significant impact on productivity.
The correct and regular maintenance of the systems entrusted to our professionals guarantees at the same time the healthiness of the air, maintaining a suitable and pleasant working environment, and energy efficiency, reducing their electrical consumption and allowing a saving on costs.

Cleaning of external (motor) and internal (split) units, filters and/or their replacement, sanitization and verification of any leaks of refrigerant gas are part of the ordinary maintenance activities that, if entrusted to our professionalism, will be carried out by experienced technicians, in possession of the FGas license.



An electrical system made to perfection is a good starting point, but it is not enough to ensure its operation and safety for a long time; as time progresses, in fact, deteriorations can occur due to infiltration, wear of materials, damage to rodents, or simply dirt.

Compared to episodic maintenance interventions (with a failure), the scheduled maintenance interventions allow to reduce the possibilities of breakage and / or sudden failures, extend the life of the electrical system, optimize its consumption and allow to work safely, in compliance with all regulatory and legal obligations in terms of health and safety.

All the professionalism of our technicians is used in the maintenance operations WE offer, ranging from the integrity and correspondence control of the various parts of the individual equipment, to the accurate cleaning both internal and external of the same; going as far as verifying the efficiency of power equipment, with inspection of the individual switches and contactors, and in addition to what is indicated here.


Fire fighting systems

The accurate checks and in-depth tests carried out aim to keep the plants fully functional within your facilities, in absolute compliance with UNI rules and with the certainty of a correct interpretation of the current law.

Our routine maintenance operations are carried out according to a personalized calendar every six months and allow all those who use our services to operate in total safety, leeching the risk of any fires.

Routine maintenance operations include the control of all fire fighting equipment, including fire extinguishers and column hydrants, and the verification of passive protections, such as fire doors, antipanic handles; with particular attention in the control of gaskets, presence of any improper restraints, integrity and / or any damage, tampering.


Cleaning of smoking rods

Carbon monoxide spills with serious consequences for people’s health, and tar residues responsible for inadequate efficiency, compromise the proper functioning and optimal performance of smoking systems.

Accurate interventions with the use of certified instrumentation and the use of non-aggressive but effective products is what distinguishes our cleaning and inspection of the systems.

These practices are necessary, according to the law, for the identification of any anomalies, breakages, obstructions, followed by a careful analysis by our technicians, so as to propose and realize the most suitable solution, providing the customer with adequate advice, with clear explanations and useful suggestions to optimize consumption and improve the efficiency of the plant, also in terms of energy saving and quality.


Air and water treatment in air conditioning

Poor and/or inadequate maintenance of air conditioning systems can lead to the spread of potentially pathogenic mygrorganisms and thus pose a risk to human health.
The areas most at risk of contamination are those where water is present, such as: humidification sections, siphons inside FRL (air treatment units) and cooling towers.
Our cleaning and sanitization of aerulian systems, carried out by certified professionals, implement all the procedures necessary for the control of thermal conditions, humidity, dust and particle filtration system; starting from the FRL, through the air distribution systems, passing through the ducts up to the different components of the systems; all carried out in compliance with current legislation, with the aim of ensuring a healthy environment and a comfortable microclimate.